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Rauemi Reo Māori
Free Learning Resources

Explore our curated collection of free te reo Māori resources designed to support and enhance your language learning journey. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to deepen your fluency, these links provide access to a wide range of tools, including interactive exercises, downloadable worksheets, pronunciation guides, and more.

These resources cover all facets of te reo Māori, from vocabulary and sentence structures to cultural insights and tikanga practices. Perfect for self-paced learning, classroom use, or organisational training, these free tools will help you build confidence and competence in te reo Māori while enriching your understanding of Māori culture.

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Te Reo mō te Tari

Kaupapa matua: 

Phrases to use in the office.


Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Encouraging Te Reo Māori in the office with specific language that you would use in the office. This collection of office phrases will help you to use te reo Māori at work. Downloadable posters so you can share with friends and colleagues

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Te Reo Māori Toolkete

Kaupapa matua: 

Documenting and sharing your story


Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

The battle for te reo Māori has been fought by generations of people, from our smallest towns to our biggest cities. On our televisions, in our schools, homes and workplaces. These stories need to be told and saved for future generations
Toolkete provide support to share your story.


Kaupapa Board Game

Kaupapa matua:

Te Reo Māori Board Game



Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

KAUPAPA is the board game for a bilingual Aotearoa. With 900 words spanning rākau to rangatira, KAUPAPA is your chance to have hysterical fun, use your reo and expand your Māori vocabulary at once! It is a word description game that can be played at any level - beginners can use it to learn new words, and fluent speakers can create a fast-paced, playful Māori language immersion environment.

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Kei a wai? Board Game

Kaupapa matua:

Te Reo Māori board game



Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Kei a wai? is a board game for teaching Māori language. Players learn Māori words, Māori phrases, Māori grammar, Māori sentence structures and Māori pronunciation. This Māori language game exists in several versions – each with its own teaching focus. 

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Tōku Reo Series

Kaupapa matua:

Online episodes



NZC Level 4- 8

Kōrero whakamārama:

TŌKU REO is a language learning show based on the comprehensive Te Whanake language course created by Professor John Moorfield. In every block of five episodes, viewers of Tōku Reo learn vocabulary based around a role-play as well as a small number of sentence structures. Segments on newly coined words from the Māori Language Commission, different tribal dialect,

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Te Ara Wai Journeys 

Kaupapa matua:

Tours of Waipā district told by local experts



Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Te Ara Wai: Journeys is a free, self-guided tour of culturally significant sites throughout the Waipā district. Experience places of local and national importance, and discover unique stories told by local experts.


Ako Panuku

Kaupapa matua:

A range of resources including lesson plans and activities across a range of kaupapa


NZC Level 1-8

Kōrero whakamārama:

Ako Panuku is a Ministry of Education-sponsored initiative that provides culturally-relevant support, designed to acknowledge the critical contribution Māori teachers make to education and the achievement of Māori students.  



Kaupapa matua:

Ako. A Māori Language Class for intermediate-level learners, presented by Pānia Papa.


NZC Level 7-8/ Te Reo Rangatira

Kōrero whakamārama:

Join a cohort of rangatahi/ intermediate reo speakers to develop their reo and delve into some of the intricacies of te reo Māori.

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Te Whanake Animations

Kaupapa matua:

Interactuve Māori Learning Modules


NZC Level 1-8

Kōrero whakamārama:

This series of online modules complements the four textbooks of the Te Whanake series for learning te reo Māori. Each module begins with an animated movie, which you should watch and listen to carefully several times

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Māori Māde Easy

Kaupapa matua:

Videos and rauemi



Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

This Māori Made Easy set of lessons accompanies the book by the same name written by Scotty Morrison. These lessons are best used with the Māori Made Easy book


Pōwhiri - Welcome or not?

Kaupapa matua:



Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

This is an in-depth and informative video to explain understand the meaning and purpose of pōwhiri. A great tool to develop your understanding or that of your colleagues.

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Te Taura Whiri i te reo Māori

Kaupapa matua:

Te Taura Whiri promotes the use of Māori as a living language and as an ordinary means of communication.


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

A range of resources are available for a variety of contexts and situations. This website also includes links to official sources such as kupu hōu, translators and reo Māori development opportunities.

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Te Iwa o Matariki

Kaupapa matua:

A webpage by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa where you can learn about the 9 Stars of Matariki.


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

This webpage by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa will answer the why, who, what, when, where and how about the 9 nine stars of Matariki based on the research of Dr. Rangi Matamua. Resources include an introductory YouTube clip, a Taringa Podcast, a breakdown of the dates for when to observe Matariki up to 2028, as well as downloadable activities.!

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Toi Tū Toi Ora:

Contemporary Māori Art virtual tour

Kaupapa matua:

Use the navigation tools to virtually 'walk' through the exhibition or click on any room in the interactive map to instantly move across Gallery spaces.


Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki launched its new digital exhibition platform during New Zealand's first with lockdown. We can now explore the groundbreaking Toi Tū Toi Ora: Contemporary Māori Art.

Choose between three different tour experiences:
-a family tour with fun facts and art-making activities;
-a curator’s highlight tour that covers insights and stories on the artworks;
-an in-depth exhibition experience with extended artwork information.


I te kai rorerore

Kaupapa matua: 

Using Te Reo Māori at a BBQ


Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

With Raumati just around the corner, this collection of phrases are just what you need to enjoy a summer BBQ empowering the use Te Reo Māori. Downloadable posters are available to share with friends and whānau.

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Bilingual Signage

Kaupapa matua: 

Promoting Te Reo Māori through bilingual signage


Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Using Māori language on bilingual signs is something all businesses and organisations can do to promote Māori language revitalisation.

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Mahuru Māori

Kaupapa matua:

Challenge yourself, get your friends and whānau to join the kaupapa. 



Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Spoken, written, sung… no matter how you communicate this Mahuru (September), do it in te reo Māori. It’s easy, fun and a great way to learn. You set your challenge. Then during that time, regardless of who you speak to, or where you speak it, you do it only in te reo Māori. Some are doing it at home, some at school, others are doing it all day every day, newbies are starting with greetings and farewells

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Māori Tube

Kaupapa matua:

Range of videos celebrating Te Reo Māori, ahurei Māori



Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Māori Tube is the place where you will find all the best videos to celebrate anything Māori from around the world.


Education Perfect

Kaupapa matua:

Range of high- quality resources, interactive learning experiences for students, teachers and parents



NZC Level 1 - 8

Kōrero whakamārama:

Education Perfect purpose is to build efficacy in independent learners through a personalised online platform by providing high- quality resources, fun and engaging interactive learning experiences and understandable data for teachers, students and parents.


Kids Greening Taupō

Kaupapa matua:

Range of projects connecting kids with nature to develop restoration projects in their community



Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Kids Greening Taupo enables young people to participate in real life projects with opportunities to connect in a culturally responsive way to their local environment and community, increasing biodiversity, student leadership and educational outcomes, and shaping the future of our Place, now.

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 The Te reo Māori Classroom

Kaupapa matua:

This pae tukutuku is to support those many kaiako who are both teaching and learning te reo (at the same time).


Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

These rauemi support Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori-Kura Auraki (Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools)



Kaupapa matua:

This Māori language series hosted by Pānia Papa, uses a range of language learning techniques, games, music and activities in te reo Māori.


Te katoa 

Kōrero whakamārama:

Join beginner speakers as the increase their reo whilst performing tasks and learning in a relevant and contextual environment.

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Reo Māori Mai

Kaupapa matua:




Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Reo Māori Mai offers pathways into Māori language and culture that build community. Whether your aim is to learn some waiata and key phrases for the marae or total immersion, we meet you where you’re at. 


Māori-English Bilingual Signage

Kaupapa matua:



Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

A guide for best practice is a resource produced by Te Puni Kōkiri and Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori to increase and improve bilingual signage throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.


Waiata Reo Māori

Kaupapa matua:

Waiata Playlist



Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

A selection of contemporary Māori waiata to set the tone in your classroom. Available on Spotify

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Te Reo Club

Kaupapa matua:

A place for whānau, and kaiako who are looking for a variety of simple yet useful resources.


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

It is a community of people who are aiming to learn and use te reo Māori everyday and teach the language to their tamariki. The emphasis is hands on, printable, parent friendly resources.


Mātauranga Māori

Kaupapa matua:

A science learning hub that offers a Māori perspective on science.


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

A valuable website with articles, activities, interactives, videos as well as Teacher PLD based around Mātauranga Māori.

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Language Drops:

Te Reo Māori

Kaupapa matua:

A subscription-based language learning app that gamifies the process of learning a language.


Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Learn te reo Māori by choosing and working your way through different themes such as:

food, nature and animals, people and relationships, health and wellness, business and tech, through to climate awareness, plus more!!!


Te Rā Kirihimete

Kaupapa matua: 

Te Rā Kirihimete - Christmas Day


Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

This collection of phrases that can be used when you are celebrating Te Rā Kirihimete - Christmas Day. Downloadable posters to promote Māori phrases that celebrate Christmas.

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KIWA Digital

Kaupapa matua: 

Kaupapa Māori digital books on Youtube.


Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Amazing digital books that can be used effectively as an interactive and engaging resource to teach Mātauranga Māori and/ or te reo Māori. Books series include:

- The Māori Gods series
- Aho Wahine series
- Ngarimu te Tohu Toa
- Asajiro

Subscribe to their channel for easier access to English and Te Reo Māori versions of each digital book.


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Ingoa Wāhi

Kaupapa matua:

This online tool supports learning Māori place names in Aotearoa



Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Ingoa Wāhi is a online quiz that tests your knowledge of Māori place names around Aotearoa. You can click on the place names and listen to the correct pronunciation and give it a try yourself.

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Aotearoa History Show

Kaupapa matua:




Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

The story of New Zealand and its people from its geological origins to modern day, hosted by William Ray & Leigh-Marama McLachlan, with animation by Chris Maguren


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Te Ara Encyclopedia

Kaupapa matua:




Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

The Encyclopedia of New Zealand is the complete guide to our peoples, environment, history, culture and society

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He Reo Tupu, He Reo Ora

Kaupapa matua:

Hard copy lessons and resources


NZC Level 1-4

Kōrero whakamārama:

He Reo Tupu, He Reo Ora has been chosen as the title of this resource. The literal meaning is "a growing language is a living language". The title signifies the way languages grow and evolve, and the importance of learning and using languages to keep them alive and dynamic.

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He Aratohu and Relief Teacher Packs

Kaupapa matua:

Unit plan overviews


NZC Level 1-8

Kōrero whakamārama:

Relief Teacher Resources to support Years 9-13 reo Māori programmes. These packs provide prepared relief lessons for use by relief teachers, who may not be Māori language teachers. 


A Māori Phrase a Day

Kaupapa matua:

Video Blog


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

A series of helpful and useful videos that teaches relevant phrases that can be used in a variety of contexts. Videos are engaging and simple to understand and are extremely user friendly!

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Maramataka Māori

Kaupapa matua:

Maramataka Māori


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Each year they release our maramataka calendar, Maori new year in New Zealand in Matariki holiday in New Zealand that will help align you with the energies of Te marama (the moon) Matariki stars New Zealand, just in time for Te Tau Hōu o te Māori, New Years in Aotearoa (New Zealand).


Covid-19 word list

Kaupapa matua:

Rārangi Kupu - Word list


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Resources to support the use of te reo Māori pertaining to Covid-19

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Up to Speed with Te Reo

Kaupapa matua:

Join Stacey Morrison to get 'Up To Speed' with te reo Māori and learn about common words around kai.



Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

A series of short podcasts to help get you 'Up To Speed' with some Māori language phrases and words often heard in media, public addresses and everyday conversation in Aotearoa New Zealand. He waka eke noa, we're all in this together.

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Te Papa

Matariki classroom resources

Kaupapa matua:

Classroom resources that aim to raise students' awareness of Matariki, put together by The Museum of New Zealand - Te Papa Tongarewa. 


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

These resources include:
-information about the relevance of Matariki to Māori
-practical activities for your classroom
-Māori vocabulary lists to extend your students' reo Māori 
-cross-curricular links with Te Whāriki, as well as The New Zealand Curriculum (Social Sciences, Science, Literacy, and Learning Languages).

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Kaupapa matua:

A variety of teaching resources to support the learning of kaupapa Māori for students at school or at home.


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Waitangi has collection of resources covering topics such as, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, stories of Māori place names, identity, Matariki, and a Waka inquiry unit.



Kaupapa matua: 

A guide to pronunciation of Te Reo Māori


Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Learning Te Reo Māori and its sounds. By clicking on the sound tabs you can hear how to pronounce Māori vowels, consonants and digraphs. Perfect for any level.

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Kimikupu - Whanaunga

Kaupapa matua:

Te Reo Māori Wordfind



Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

This resource is a fun way to learn kupu associated with relationships, practice your knowledge of kupu whanaungatanga there may be some kupu you have not seen yet!

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Pūrārangi Māori

Kaupapa matua:

This online interactive tool supports beginning learners of Te Reo Māori



Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Pūrārangi Māori is a fun interactive tool for beginners and those new to the Māori language. Learn to pronounce vowels, consonants and dipthongs by clicking on the one you wish to learn and Pūrārangi will speak it back to you. Put it all together and you can learn an entire song.


Science Learning Hub

Kaupapa matua:

Teacher learning hub with links to articles, resources and PLD for science/ pūtaiao.


NZC Level 4- 8

Kōrero whakamārama:

Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao links New Zealand scientists with school students, teachers and community audiences. Showcasing cutting-edge science and demonstrate how the stories of science can be used to enrich school teaching and learning, making it more relevant, engaging and meaningful.

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Everyday Māori Podcast

Kaupapa matua:




Te Katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Hēmi Kelly & Āpera Woodfine helping you to learn and speak everyday Māori, every day. Hei āwhina i a koe ki te ako me te kōrero i te reo Māori o ia rā, i ia rā.


Kauwhata Reo

Kaupapa matua:

He whare rauemi reo Māori mā te katoa


NZC Level 1-8​ & Te Reo Rangatira

Kōrero whakamārama:

Kauwhata Reo is a central online hub for te reo Māori resources. It is designed to make teaching and learning in te reo Māori fun, easy and relevant for teachers, learners and whānau


Taringa Podcast

Kaupapa matua:



Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

With a mixture of Māori and English, the Taringa podcast is the perfect way to learn te reo and tikanga Māori in a fun and relaxed way.



Kaupapa matua:

Shows and documentaries



Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

This is a huge archive of shows and series from Aotearoa. There are more Māori recordings and shows within this resource than on Māori television. Accounts and access are free for Kaiako in NZ

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Te Kete Ipurangi

Kaupapa matua:

Te reo Māori lesson plans


NZC Level 1-8

Kōrero whakamārama:

These lesson plans have been written in alignment with the Te reo Māori Curriculum Guidelines -Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki.


Hui ā-Ipurangi - Online meetings

Kaupapa matua:

Phrases and resources


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Words and phrases to use for Zoom and Teams meetings. 

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Stating in Te Reo Māori

Kaupapa matua:

Join Grant Whitbourne and his online videos to promote the correct use of te reo Māori in a variety of contexts.


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

This is an online initiative to ensure the long term survival of te reo Māori by helping to eliminate the confusion and overwhelm typically encountered by new language learners. Across Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

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Matariki for Tamariki

Kaupapa matua:

A platform that gives you access to a range of online websites and acitivites for tamariki to encourage them to learn about and engage with Matariki. Put together by the Christchurch City Library


Te katoa

Kōrero whakamārama:

Explore the variety of teaching and learning resources about Matariki . This website contains hands on Arts and Crafts activities with follow-along YouTube videos, printable resources, a downloadable activity, plus more!

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Te Papa Virtual Explorer: Live feed programmes

Kaupapa matua:

Get Te Papa in your classroom in real-time, no matter where you are via simple-to use-technology. Book a personalised virtual visit with one of our educators. It’s the next best thing to being here.


Years 3 - 13

Kōrero whakamārama:

Book a 60min session with Te Papa's virtual explorer. 9-10 am (before the museum is open to the public) during the school term you can bring our national museum into your classroom. Choose a range of programmes, including Kaupapa Māori, where you can explore Te Ao Māori through taonga on display.

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